
Monday, December 17, 2012

Abyssinia, Paris France

Location: 5 Rue Martin Garat, 75020 Paris, France

I was very excited when I saw there was an Ethiopian restaurant in Paris to eat at.  Abyssinia is farther away from the center of the city, but we rode the subway out one evening for some dinner. We went in and browsed the menu and noticed they had a veggie combo so we just wanted to order that. We have eaten at many Ethiopian places and one is usually enough for the both of us so we tried to just order the one. The lady working however wouldn't let us...I almost just left then as I was not super hungry and I don't like having to order more food than we need, but Raymond wanted to try it so I finally relented and ordered the two. Two was way too much food so it kind of tainted the whole experience since it was kind of expensive and a waste of food (and we didn't really have a way to keep te excess though I am not sure it would keep very well). Anyways on to the food. The combo came with a standard salad with vinegary dressing which was tasty (bottom of the photo above). Next to the left are some pickled beets which Raymond didn't care for and even though I am a beet lover they were just alright. Next was some spinach which was alright, just spinach and a few spices. Then there was this paste like dish which was really spicy and I couldn't eat it. Next to that was a corn dish which tasted like corn and I enjoyed it. Then lentils which were my favorites, they were spiced nicely. Next to that was potatoes and carrots which at my favorite place in Seattle is my favorite dish. It wasn't as good here, though it was tasty. Really everything was good, it just wasn't amazing or the best we have had. The other issue, which really bugged Raymond, was the bread did not have that sourdough bite to it that I believe it should (or every other Ethiopian place has had bread that does). He just couldn't get past the bread being wrong and throwing everything off. 

Overall - The food was alright. I did not like having to order way more food than we could eat, and the bread to eat with does not have the sourdough bite that we are used to. I probably wouldn't go back again just because we would have to waste more food if we did. 

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